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Flexograf Logo

Professionalism, dedication to quality and dedication to our clients are just some of the key features that make Flexograf a unique company that offers flexographic printing. Flexograf offers a wide variety of package printing services for the food and non-food industries.
At Flexograf, you are at the right place for all your needs of flexographic printing.
Flexograf is exclusively printing packages for:

- Labels for plastic bottles (PET)

- Flexible plastic packaging for the food industry (packaging for chips, cookies, chocolate, ice cream, croissant, peanuts, walnuts, dried fruit, pasta and cereal, coffee, etc.)

- Flexible plastic packaging for non-food products (packaging for hygienic paper, wet wipes, napkins, baby napkins, kitchen and toilet paper, packaging for sanitary products, for detergent etc.)

- Vacuum and plastic bags intended for various use.

We offer these services with international standards and with a special devotion to the product and the client, continuously thinking about the right solution at a low cost.
Our mission is to always be close to our clients and those interested in our services. Therefore, ever since Flexograf’s establishment, we have invested in advancing our technology and we are constantly ensuring that we stay ahead of the time so that our services keep growing and are competitive with our international competitors.
Our technology allows us to prepare and produce unique products for each client based on their needs. In addition to the care we offer for your products, we always aim at offering high quality products at the best price and fast time.



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